German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Mayas Kinder sind so patzig, dass ich sie am liebsten nicht einladen würde. |
Maya's children are so snotty I'd rather not invite them. |
Mike, you are very welcome, and thanks for cheering me up. The one thing about the advertisement section on top of the main page is quite right. The difference between your dress and her dress is very difficult to detect, there is only a little change in color.
I have not received your contact request at MSN yet, but I will look it up tonight. My user name is the same as it is here. What it your user name there, also the same as on this website?
Vocabulix gives me a lot of pleasure, although I have found it only two months ago. You will learn German and I will write to you in German. Many thanks for the help. I want to attend a language school.
I have not received your contact request at MSN yet, but I will look it up tonight. My user name is the same as it is here. What it your user name there, also the same as on this website?
Vocabulix gives me a lot of pleasure, although I have found it only two months ago. You will learn German and I will write to you in German. Many thanks for the help. I want to attend a language school.
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