German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Politiker trafen sich, um über Mängel im neuen Einwanderungsgesetz zu diskutieren. |
Politicians met to discuss flaws in the new immigration law. |
Der fleißige Politiker schaffte es, die Arbeitslosigkeit um 3% zu senken. | The hardworking politician managed to reduce unemployment by 3%. |
Die Wahlkampagne war für den jungen Politiker sehr intensiv. | The electoral campaign was very intense for the young politician. |
The ingredients of the poem which seem to be so bright because of the white are in fact the ingredients of a witches broth: In everything there is something bad, even in the goodness and shininess.
In addition, I want to inform you that I found a possibility to deliver a more Spanish lessons from Vocabulix. To my knowledge, the lessons are excellent and a great base for the Spanish training.
You come to a point where you have seen just enough, loved it and are ready to move on. It was one more ugly train ride to Hanoi. The train started rolling on time and we slept in our cabin again.
In addition, I want to inform you that I found a possibility to deliver a more Spanish lessons from Vocabulix. To my knowledge, the lessons are excellent and a great base for the Spanish training.
You come to a point where you have seen just enough, loved it and are ready to move on. It was one more ugly train ride to Hanoi. The train started rolling on time and we slept in our cabin again.
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