German Dictionary

The woman that is described in the text has a lot of problems not only in society but also with her health. I would like to see this woman on a diet not because of the people around her but because of herself.
We all know that the consequences are awful. All are struggling, some kill eachother, mostly for really foolish reasons. They are not aware of it. Drugs should never be tolerated in any country.
The same evening we left Patagonia and flew to the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. We have waited a long time for this moment as we have not been in a city for almost two weeks and we usually love the city.
We all know that the consequences are awful. All are struggling, some kill eachother, mostly for really foolish reasons. They are not aware of it. Drugs should never be tolerated in any country.
The same evening we left Patagonia and flew to the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. We have waited a long time for this moment as we have not been in a city for almost two weeks and we usually love the city.
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