German Dictionary

Translation of Koch

der Koch  the cook     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Koch erklärte, dass ein Hackebeil dieser Ordnung nicht einfach von jedermann benutzt werden konnte.

The chef explained that a chopper of this order could not simply be used by anyone.
Der begabte Koch überzeugte mich davon, dass Lachs und Mais durchaus kompatibel waren. The talented chef convinced me that corn and salmon were actually compatible.
Der Koch muss ein Genie gewesen sein, denn die Mahlzeit war leckerer als immer. The cook must have been a genius as the meal was tastier than ever.
der Koch, Köche the cook(s)
Koch- und Backplatz cooker unit
Koch Köchin cook
Chefkoch; Koch chef
kochen koch cook
Koch cook

The human is capable of recognition of the world with its ingredients. Frost presents us with a poem in which everything is white and bright. The picture he gives us seems to be very peaceful.
I will forward the words to you tomorrow or Sunday, once they give their OK. Which hotel did you book? Did you speak to the Chef de cuisine and can I make the reservation at the restaurant?
We went back and took our bags from the travel agent, where we left them earlier. We wanted to catch the bus back to the station before darkness, as we knew that people drove crazy over there.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cook   [ cooked, cooked ]