German Dictionary

Translation of cook in German

to cook      kochen 
to cook     garen; kochen
the cook      der Koch 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Inexperienced cooks should try this foolproof recipe for pumpkin soup.

Unerfahrene Köche sollten dieses idiotensichere Rezept für Kürbissuppe ausprobieren.
When the season came, my grandma would cook chanterelle with butter sauce. Wenn die Saison kam, kochte meine Großmutter Pfifferlinge mit Chilisauce.
You make a great omelette for a cooking club outsider, Jerry! Für einen Kochclub Außenseiter machst du ein großartiges Omelett, Jerry!
choose to cook wählen zu kochen
the cook(s) der Koch, Köche
offer to cook anbieten zu kochen
cook dinner Nachtessen kochen
to cook schmoren, kochen
cook Koch Köchin
cook kochen koch
cook Koch

When I don't study I go for swimming in the pool or make some sports with my friends, such s Tennis, soccer...Why do you like to learn Spanish? Do you want to make a trip to Honduras or to Nicaragua?
The trip was coming to an end. We were driving to the airport knowing that we had to fly 12-hour to Spain, than a break in Spain for of around 6 hours and than the rest 4 hours, a total of 22 hours.
A little information about me: I am 33 years old and my wife Anna and I have 3 children. We live near Dortmund. I work as a train driver in the Deutsche Bundesbahn. Do you know Germany?
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of cook   [ cooked, cooked ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of kochen
koche  kochst  kocht  kochen  kocht  kochen  kochte  kochtest  kochte  kochten  kochtet  kochten