German Dictionary

Translation of extensive in German

extensive     ausführlich; ausgedehnt; umfassend

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Thanks to the effort of extensive conservation projects, the numbers of otters in Europe have increased over the years.

Dank der Bemühungen umfangreicher Naturschutzprojekte hat die Zahl der Otter in Europa in den letzten Jahren zugenommen.
an extensive vocabulary ein umfangreiches Vokabular
extensive ausführlich; umfänglich
extensive beträchtlich; weitgehend
extensive umfassend, ausführlich
extensive, elaborate umfangreich
extensive large in amount
extensive weitläufig

This is a sentence that completes the document so that it will not be shorter than one thousand words. I will add also another one in the second set of words. However, try to learn Spanish or to learn German.
Was that all? I was sure that I had a lot more mistakes, because I did not know how to express myself properly. Maybe I am a natural born talent. I am just kidding. Let me know if you need something else.
I studied art in Germany. I would now like to learn Spanish. Can you teach me a little Spanish? Many greetings from Ukraine. I live in a small town, near Krim, close to the Black Sea.
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