German Dictionary

Translation of meal in German

the meal     das Essen; das Mahl; das Mehl; die Mahlzeit

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The vikings enjoyed a lot of mead with their meal that night.

Die Vikinger tranken an jenem Abend viel Met zum Essen.
Margret cooked us an amazing meal out of the mushrooms. Margret kochte uns ein fabelhaftes Essen aus den Pilzen.
The granddaughter and grandson prepared the meal for the fiftieth wedding anniversary of her grandparents. Die Enkelin und der Enkel bereiteten das Mahl zum fünfzigsten Hochzeitstag ihrer Großeltern.
Enjoy your meal Guten Appetit; /genieße Dein Mahl
the meal das Essen; das Mahl; die Mahlzeit
set menu; set meal; lunch special Menü
to make a meal eine Mahlzeit zubereiten
to have a meal eine Mahlzeit einnehmen
enjoy your meal Guten Appetit
mealtime; meal time Mahlzeit
meal Mahlzeit, Speise, Essen
meal Mahlzeiten, Essen

We returned to the former capital of the South at dawn and were dropped next to our place. We had a very nice day all in all, although it was very touristy. We felt that we have seen enough of the area.
The jet lag could be felt. We entered the floating village. People were actually living in boat houses and most of them seemed very poor. Their main income source was fishing and tourism.
We arrived at the airport two hours prior to our flight with no seat guaranteed. As these are local flights, the counters open just 1 hour before take-off. The alternative root would be by bus.
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