German Dictionary

Translation of slice in German

to slice     schneiden
the slice     die Scheibe

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
After eating two slices of pie, Thor was snoozing peacefully by the fire.

Nachdem er zwei Stücke Kuchen gegessen hatte, schlummerte Thor friedlich am Feuer.
For this recipe we will have to braise thin slices of zucchini. Für dieses Rezept müssen wir dünne Zucchinischeiben schmoren.
slice Scheibe; Stück; aufschneiden
The slice, slices Die Scheibe, Scheiben
slice (*)(1) Stück/Scheibe
slice schneiden (in Scheiben)
slice Scheibe; Stück
slice stück,scheibe
cut; slice schneiden

Hi Christin, how are you? I am on vacation right now, but you can call me if there are any problems. I am planning to meet my students in the end of next week. I will deliver the message anyway.
Last week for example, I could have told you in advance that there is no chance for the other trials (if I knew): The traffic on the major website was too big. We should test it again sometime.
Some of the people had invited me for dinner and I joined them. I soon found out that they were eating at their apartment and were cooking by themselves. I found myself peeling raw potatoes.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schneiden
schneide  schneidest  schneidet  schneiden  schneidet  schneiden  schnitt  schnittest  schnitt  schnitten  schnittet  schnitten