German Dictionary

Translation of Punkt

der Punkt  the point     
der Punkt the dot    ; the point    ; the spot    ; the item    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Drachen stieg, bis er nur noch ein kleiner roter Punkt war.

The kite rose until it was only a small red dot.
Um Punkt drei Uhr holte sie ihn in einem roten Mustang ab. At three o'clock sharp she picked him up in a red mustang.
Am Horizont erschienen schwarze Punkte - die Flotte der Mongolen war gekommen. On the horizon, black dots appeared - the Mongol fleet had come.
Punkt; Punkte; (highschoolabschluss) credit
Tupfen; Punkt; Fleck, Pickel spot
Spitze, Punkt de/het punt
Punkt, Pünktchen dot
Punkt, Element item
Punkt BE full stop
Haupt-(punkt) main
der Punkt period
Punkt AE period

One of my favorite seasons is the winter, the time in which everything is white and bright. But even though I like this time of the year a part of me detests it because of it may drawbacks.
She even compares the hills across the station with the belly of a pregnant woman by saying that they do look like white elephants. Maybe she thinks that way but I am not really sure about that.
It was fantastic to see that each ice berg had its own form and color. Unfortunately we could not reach all galciers, some were blocked by their own ice breaking off and floating in the lake.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of dot   [ dotted, dotted ]
Conjugation of point   [ pointed, pointed ]
Conjugation of spot   [ spotted, spotted ]