German Dictionary

Translation of Rad

das Rad  the wheel     
das Rad the wheel    ; the bicycle    

Translation by Vocabulix


das Rad, Räder the wheel(s)
Rad fahren gehen to go cycling
Rad fahren; radfahren to cycle
Rad fahren, radeln to cycle
Fahrrad; Rad bike; bicycle
Rad fahren ride a bicycle
rad fahre ride a bicycle
Rad fahren to bike ride
Rad; Steuer(rad) wheel
Rad fahren ride rode
rad fahren to cycle
das Rad-:er wheel

Thanks a lot. Let's meet. Where are you located? OK, do you want to meet there? Basically, June 4 and further would be good for me. But I am flexible. I never have too many things to do in the weekend.
But his intensions are clear. By saying: 'I do not want anybody but you, I don't want anyone else...' he actually refers also to the unborn child. He is putting her into a sad dilema. She refuses.
In the evening we saw a Dutch couple which we have met in El Calafate (in the Perito Moreno tour and who were with us on the airplane to the Peninsula). We looked for our hotel and it was OK.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of wheel   [ wheeled, wheeled ]