German Dictionary

Translation of reißen

reißen to tear    ; to snatch    ; to wrench    ; to yank    ; to tug    
reißen to rift    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Strudel im Fluss ist hier besonders reißend.

The eddy in the river is especially strong here.
reißen; zerreißen; rasen tear; tore; torn
reißen; einreißen; rasen to rip
reißen tear, rip; romper; rasgar
auseinander reißen pull apart
zerren,reißen to tear
etwas (ab)reißen tear

I hope you could understand my last letter to you. You see, when I write in Spanish I am not very confident. I always question myself and each and every sentence takes about fifteen minutes.
Mine too... I will be there next week, got tickets for 1/4 and 1/2 finals... Hopp Schwitz!!! Let's go for a drink soon. I want to meet your girlfriend too! I heard that she is wonderful and pretty.
The young women rowed towards us and tried to sell food and souvenirs. We were not interested and she tried to block us and prevent us from swimming back to our vessel. So we dove beneath her.
Do you know the meaning of? quellen    potentiell    pauschal    nüchtern    nett    möglicherweise    mindestens    mahlen    lernen    kälter   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of reißen
reiße  reißt  reißt  reißen  reißt  reißen  riß  rissest  riß  rissen  risset  rissen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of tear   [ tore, torn ]
Conjugation of tug   [ tugged, tugged ]
Conjugation of wrench   [ wrenched, wrenched ]
Conjugation of yank   [ yanked, yanked ]