German Dictionary

Translation of religiös

religiös  religious     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Epos zeigt das Verständnis des Autors von religiösen Konflikten in Israel.

The epic shows the author's awareness of religious conflicts in Israel.
Mein Mitbewohner entsagte dem Alkohol aus religiösen Gründen. My roommate abjured alcohol for religious reasons.
Juden und Muslime essen aus religiösen Gründen kein Schweinefleisch. Jews and Muslims do not eat pork for religious reasons.
Judentum (religiös) Judaism
religiös,fromm religious

Hans was not in the office for 4 days. I informed him that it is urgent and asked him to send it by tomorrow morning. I'll do my best that you receive it as early as possible. Trust me on that.
So the man and the woman are staing at the station, sitting at their table and tasting unknown alcoholic drinks, wishing they had the same feeling of joy that they had known before this all happened.
We arrived at the next hotel, which was only two blocks away, again deciding from the outside, that we would not sleep there. I questioned the short ride, because on the map the two places were far apart.
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