German Dictionary

Translation of Schleuse

die Schleuse the sluice    ; the lock    

Translation by Vocabulix


die Schleuse a Zsilip
Schleuse a lock
Schleuse Lock

I arrived there but could not find a hotel immediately, so that I took my luggage with me. I know that this is very provocative to thiefs. One should not walk on the street with a big backpack.
That is why we sometimes misjudge different people with different faithes and creeds, despite the fact that we have only few ideas about their background and about their cultures. Thank you.
The ferry took me to the island. Sitting next to me there was a local guy with two packs of beer, and he seemed pretty drunk for this hour of the day. He offered me some beer and I was polite.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of lock   [ locked, locked ]