German Dictionary

Translation of schmollen

schmollen to sulk    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Emma schmollte und sagte ihr gefiele keiner von ihnen.

Emma sulked and said she did not like any of them.

Arete means earring. Is it only in Mexico, regional? earring has multiple translations in Spanish, some are regionalism, others not. Arete, pendiente, caravana, and some others. But they are widely understood.
True, I forgot the 'I' when I have copied and pasted the entire text field. I assume it is the regular form, isn't it? However, the formal form in Spain is a little different to what we are using in Mexico.
My name is Julio and I live in Santiago, which is in Chile. I speak a little German, but I want to improve. Where are you from? Where do you live? What is your favorite music? Auf wiedersehen!
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