German Dictionary

Translation of schützen

schützen to defend    ; to protect    ; to shelter    ; to guard    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Das Netz schützte mich vor den Insekten.

The mesh protected me from the bugs.
Bienenzüchter müssen innovative Wege finden, ihre Bienen vor Schädlingen zu schützen. Beekeepers need to find innovative ways to protect their bees against pests.
Um andere vor ihrer ansteckenden Krankheit zu schützen trug sie ein Tuch über Mund und Nase. To protect others from her contagious disease, she wore a shawl over her nose and mouth.
vor Verlust schützen to protect against loss
bewahren, schützen vor to preserve from
sich schützen to protect oneself
schützen vor to protect from
verhindern; schützen prevent
vorgeben; schützen pretend
(be)schützen to protect
schützen to protect

The utopia from Germany is not very different from the Utopia of other countries. People want to be rich, free and happy. What is special in Switzerland is that people do not care about other nations.
The tour started soon and we first visited the ruins nearby, which was a ten minutes drive. A tour guide introduced us to each and every pyramid and told us stories about practically every stone.
We entered the vessel from behind and went to take a shower. I remembered why I am not a big supporter of long boat rides: One every room and facility is small and second you move all the time.
Do you know the meaning of? schnitzen    schießwütig    rundum    reichhaltig    päpstlich    populär    passieren    nächster    necken    mutmaßen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schützen
schütze  schützt  schützt  schützen  schützt  schützen  schützte  schütztest  schützte  schützten  schütztet  schützten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of defend   [ defended, defended ]
Conjugation of guard   [ guarded, guarded ]
Conjugation of protect   [ protected, protected ]
Conjugation of shelter   [ sheltered, sheltered ]