German Dictionary

Translation of sehen

sehen to see    ; to look    ; to view    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die neuen Mieter sahen eine Kakerlake und riefen sofort den Kammerjäger.

The new renters saw a cockroach and immediately called the exterminator.
Als sie den Gipfel erreichten, sahen sie die neblige Waldschlucht unter sich. When they reached the summit, they saw the misty dingle beneath them.
Er behauptete, er sähe die Welt vierdimensional. He claimed he saw the world four-dimensionally.
sich gegenüber sehen to be faced with
sehen (sah, gesehen) to see (saw, seen)
(an)schauen; (an)sehen (to) look (at)
Sie sehen fern. They're watching TV.
(sich) ähnlich (sehen) alike
(aus)sehen; schauen to look; look
(an)schauen, (an)sehen look (at)
sehen; schauen; aussehen to look
sehen (kurz); ansehen to see

It seems a little bit like a pot in which you want to be happy and rich and enjoy your luck not caring about others. For example, the population is diminishing (or it was so during the last decade).
The tour started soon and we first visited the ruins nearby, which was a ten minutes drive. A tour guide introduced us to each and every pyramid and told us stories about practically every stone.
The ship stopped in the middle of several limestone islands and passengers went swimming in the middle of the sea. There were dozens of other boats around us as the area was very touristy.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of sehen
sehe  siehst  sieht  sehen  seht  sehen  sah  sahst  sah  sahen  saht  sahen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of look   [ looked, looked ]
Conjugation of see   [ saw, seen ]
Conjugation of view   [ viewed, viewed ]