German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Sie sagte mir, wir müssten uns verloben, sonst würde sie mich verlassen. |
She told me we had to get engaged, or else she would leave me. |
Ich muss tanzen, sonst bin ich nicht glücklich. | I gotta dance or I'm not happy. |
überall sonst | everywhere else |
sonst noch etwas | anything else |
sonst noch etwas? | Anything else? |

No image that each sentence takes so long and multiply it by twentyfour sentences which I had just written you in our last communication. That makes a total of three hundred sixty minutes.
On Friday we are flying to Switzerland and then on Monday we will continue to Boston, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. I am very excited. Maybe this is going to be a great experience again.
There is a big chance that one of our 25 000 monthly visitors will use some of your suggestions. We wanted to make a book (more fun for our users), rather than a conventional informative page!
On Friday we are flying to Switzerland and then on Monday we will continue to Boston, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire. I am very excited. Maybe this is going to be a great experience again.
There is a big chance that one of our 25 000 monthly visitors will use some of your suggestions. We wanted to make a book (more fun for our users), rather than a conventional informative page!
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