German Dictionary

Translation of steigern

steigern to increase    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Manche Patienten rauchten Cannabis, um ihren Appetit zu steigern.

Some patients smoked cannabis to increase their appetite.
steigern; ansteigen; erhöhen to increase
erhöhen; steigern; erweitern increase
steigern increase; acrecentar; potenciar
steigern, vergrößern enhance
erhöhen/steigern to heigthen
steigern, erhöhen to boost

No image that each sentence takes so long and multiply it by twentyfour sentences which I had just written you in our last communication. That makes a total of three hundred sixty minutes.
Usually in a place with a homegenous society hatred towards foreigners can grow much more easy as a small disturbance to the homogenity may upset the entire society. People are not used to changes.
We woke up around one hour before arriving and got off the train once it arrived at its destination. We checked in for our last night in the same hotel very early in the morning after having coffee of course.
Do you know the meaning of? spannen    sich wehtun    sehnsüchtig    schräg    schleimen    sabotieren    reparieren    ramponieren    prestigeträchtig    permanent   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of steigern
steigere  steigerst  steigert  steigern  steigert  steigern  steigerte  steigertest  steigerte  steigerten  steigertet  steigerten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of increase   [ increased, increased ]