German Dictionary

Translation of Tank

der Tank  the tank     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Nachdem ich Benzin in den Tank gefüllt hatte, drehte ich den Schlüssel im Zündschloss um.

After putting petrol in the tank, I turned the key in the ignition.
der Tank, Tanks the tank(s)

Some of the disadvantages are the coldness, darkness and the fact that the days are a lot shorter then as in the summer. First let me tell you what I do not like about the winter. It is the following.
But his intensions are clear. By saying: 'I do not want anybody but you, I don't want anyone else...' he actually refers also to the unborn child. He is putting her into a sad dilema. She refuses.
We stayed there for a few hours observing the hugh ice blocks breaking off and falling into the icy waters leaving a water splash of over 100 meters. Each splash was followed by a dull thunder.
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