German Dictionary

Translation of tilgen

tilgen to amortize    ; to liquidate    

Translation by Vocabulix


ausströmen; abfeuern; tilgen discharge
tilgen, begleichen to liquidate
aflossen; tilgen to redeem
tilgen, abzahlen to repay

I left the smaller regions out. Do you think they are important? There are some terms that are specifically used in Ecuador. Let's leave it as it is now. Time will show us within a few days if we need them all or not.
Are you currently buried in a lot of work? I am not, because the financial crisis has put me back on hold. I do not work, so I have time for going out in the evening and being online.
If you're still interested in our agreement, I will be glad to continue to correct your letters and essays. Write it in English, if you do not know a particular word and I'll translate it.
Newly added translation: sukzessive    steif    sozusagen    sich vorbereiten    sehenswert    schrullig    schleichen    rütteln    reorganisieren    raffiniert   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of amortize   [ amortized, amortized ]
Conjugation of liquidate   [ liquidated, liquidated ]