German Dictionary

Translation of liquidate in German

to liquidate     liquidieren
to liquidate     tilgen

Translation by Vocabulix


liquidate; wind up abwickeln; auflösen

Dear Arnold, please send me David's contact details. I will arrange a meeting and present him the machine, so that he will know how to operate it properly. Thanks again and all the best.
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We boarded the ship and it left the port. They started with lunch, which was pretty good. The ship sailed for about an hour until it reached the bay area, which had over one thousand islands.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of liquidate   [ liquidated, liquidated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of liquidieren
liquidiere  liquidierst  liquidiert  liquidieren  liquidiert  liquidieren  liquidierte  liquidiertest  liquidierte  liquidierten  liquidiertet  liquidierten