German Dictionary

Translation of umstellen

umstellen to transpose    ; to reconvert    ; to reposition    ; to convert    

Translation by Vocabulix


umstellen; umorganisieren to rearrange
auf Computer umstellen computerize
umstellen to rearrange/ to change
sich umstellen auf to switch to
erneut umstellen rearrange
umstellen switch; change

I left the smaller regions out. Do you think they are important? There are some terms that are specifically used in Ecuador. Let's leave it as it is now. Time will show us within a few days if we need them all or not.
I have began to learn English. I like to swim and to dive, because I lived near the beach while I lived in Miami. It is not similar to any other sport. But this week have not been yet to the pool.
Last week I was at the birthday celebration of my grandma. She is 95 years old and very healthy. I'm 33 years old. I work as an electrician, and I had my own company until last year.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of convert   [ converted, converted ]