German Dictionary

Schwer in English

schwer  difficult     
schwer heavy    ; weighty    ; difficult    ; hard    ; serious    
schwer seriously    

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Sample sentences:
Mein Großvater war ein schwerer Raucher, bis er Krebs bekam und aufhörte.

My grandad was a heavy smoker until he got cancer and quit.
Herr Herfords Dummheit war schwer zu ertragen. Mr Herford's stupidity was hard to bear.
Auch wenn Waschbären schwer aussehen können sie sich sehr dynamisch bewegen wenn es nötig ist. Even though racoons look heavy, the way they can move very dynamically when they need to.
schwer heavy, difficult; complicated, hard; dificil
hart; schwer; schwierig, mühselig hard
schwierig; schwer; mühselig difficult
Krankheit; sehr schwer krank diseases
grob; schwer gross; abrasive; brutal
hart; schwer; schwierig hard - hard
genauso schwer wie as though as
hart, schwer, schwierig hard
schwer zu erreichen elusive

Exactly on that weekend there was a traditional apple event which is celebrated every year by the people of this small town. Naturally, It was very nice to see it, to see farmers outside of the city.
I interpret this as follows: It reflects the calm life without any hectic atmosphere. The life that these two are looking for (like they did before) is far away: Far away, beyond the river.
Anyway, i got bored pretty fast, drank a Coconut and orange juice mix and went on. I returned my bike at four before heading again to the beach. By coincidence I met the sister of a colleague of mine.
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