German Dictionary

Translation of Umweltschutz

der Umweltschutz the environmental protection

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Diese Heuchelei, Umweltschutz zu predigen und in einem Porsche herumzufahren!

The hypocrisy of preaching environmental protection driving around in a Porsche!
Die Grünen nehmen den Umweltschutz ernst. The Green Party takes environmental protection seriously.
der Umweltschutz conservation

I want to work on the country specific terms first, then do a revision of the words that we have entered so far... please give me a few days to finish it. However, I may need to contact you over the weekend, depending on my progress.
Well, you're already here ... would you ever have thought that I'm a member in facebook? You are a funny guy. What else is happening? Did you already settle down in your new country of choice?
Today I have a lot of time because I've just returned from a 3 day vacation. For how long have you been teaching German? For about 3 years I have been studying Spanish mostly alone, with books and stuff.
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