German Dictionary
German | English |
Sample sentences: Die abgetrennten Ärmel sahen im Zwielicht unheimlich aus. |
The severed sleeves looked creepy in the twilight. |
Die Rinde der Birke war unheimlich weiß. | The birch's bark was uncannily white. |
Die Fähigkeit mancher Kinder, die Gefühle ihrer Eltern zu erkennen ist unheimlich. | Some children's ability to sense their parents' emotions is uncanny. |
unheimlich; beänstigend; gruselig | scary |
unheimlich; sonderbar; verrückt | weird |
merkwürdig; unheimlich | weird |
böse, unheimlich | sinister |
unheimlich; finster | sinister |
unheimlich, gruuselig | scary |
This is almost six hours, a long time for someone who has children and a day job. I recommend that we write eachother shorter emails and in both languages. Spanish and English next to eachother.
The writer describes this situation by putting the persons into a natural environment. On one side there was no shade and there weren't any trees, he says. This description can be interpreted.
At around eight in the evening we were back, took a hot shower and met our friends for a fancy dinner. They were leaving the country the next day and we would stay there another three days.
The writer describes this situation by putting the persons into a natural environment. On one side there was no shade and there weren't any trees, he says. This description can be interpreted.
At around eight in the evening we were back, took a hot shower and met our friends for a fancy dinner. They were leaving the country the next day and we would stay there another three days.
Newly added translation:
stehen bleiben
sowohlals auch
sich vergrößern