German Dictionary

Translation of umbenennen

umbenennen to rename    ; to redefine    

Translation by Vocabulix


I left the smaller regions out. Do you think they are important? There are some terms that are specifically used in Ecuador. Let's leave it as it is now. Time will show us within a few days if we need them all or not.
This afternoon I will fly to Chile. My two brothers and sisters live there. They are also very old and my brother has already died. My parents emigrated 30 years ago, but they wanted to stay.
I'm still doing many mistakes. I will gladly assist you, with the Spanish language. I am learning English. Can you help me there too? I would be glad if you could write me soon.
Newly added translation: tiefgreifend    suizidgefährdet    stehen bleiben    sowohlals auch    sich vergrößern    segmentieren    schrill    schlechterdings    rühren    renovieren