German Dictionary

Translation of unklar

unklar unclear    
unklar hazy    

Translation by Vocabulix


unzusammenhängend; unklar; unverständlich incoherent
unverständlich; schleierhaft; unklar opaque
doppeldeutig; unklar; mehrdeutig ambiguous
nebelig; benebelt; unklar foggy
unklar blurred

This is almost six hours, a long time for someone who has children and a day job. I recommend that we write eachother shorter emails and in both languages. Spanish and English next to eachother.
It is an abandoned place in the middle of Spain, in the middle of nowhere. The station is located near a junction where the ways of the trains split. Both are split as well, in their minds.
I rarely heard someone speaking so bad about his nation, but again, it wasn't my business. We closed the lights at midnight and hoped for a few hours of sleep. The train shaked and threw us around in our beds.
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