German Dictionary

Translation of unpassend

unpassend incongruous    ; unfit    ; inept    

Translation by Vocabulix


plimp, unangebracht; ungeschickt; unpassend inept
unpassend, ungünstig inconvenient
unpassend; ungeeignet inappropriate

We would love to have you here as our guests! My niece Katja had also many diffculties with the new surroundings. She is really upset with this new change. How was your trip to Italy? I'll keep writing to you!
No problem with the statement you sent me! They need to fill in some forms on the main page, which they will do tomorrow. Please send me all German lessons and guidelines for inserting the expressions.
We had to be careful of not falling into the water. We rowed for about an hour and we got tired pretty easily. Especially the other man and woman looked devastated, at the limit of their physical capabilities.
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