German Dictionary

Translation of unfit in German

unfit     ungeeignet; unpassend; untauglich

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Roland wanted to join the marines but was considered unfit for military service.

Roland wollte zu den Marines, wurde jedoch für den Militärdienst als untauglich befunden.

No, it is a summer camp for teenagers between the age of 16 to 18. They spend 9-10 months of the year in the boarding school, first in the mountains, then near a sea in the local area. Some of them have work to do during the summer vacation.
I have not installed ICQ, unfortunately, but I know many people who use other means of communication, perhaps I can down load it! Currently I am unemployed, I have worked as a waitress.
I wish you a safe journey. In what city will you be staying in Germany? We want to buy a small flat in Eastern Germany. And if everything goes well, we want to build a small house next year.
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