German Dictionary

Translation of verbünden

verbünden to ally    

Translation by Vocabulix


He has already asked me for packaging instructions: They said that you should place them in the original box, which you have kept. That's all I have got from them. I hope that you and your child are both well.
We had time to walk around the waterfall but refrained from entering the little lake at the bottom. My fellow tourtakers were quiet nice and we spend a while just sitting in the grass near the water.
On the way we visited many small hill tribe villages. The walk was through green, wet rice fields. We really enjoyed it. Our guide explained us about the region and taught us some Vietnamese.
Check out these translations unvermeidbar    unkompliziert    unbewusst    umfassen    tja    super    steil    spannend    sich weigern    sehr   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verbünden
verbünde  verbündest  verbündet  verbünden  verbündet  verbünden  verbündete  verbündetest  verbündete  verbündeten  verbündetet  verbündeten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of ally   [ allied, allied ]