German Dictionary

Translation of verehren

verehren to adore    ; to worship    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Sie verehrte das Gürteltier, weil es die Antithese zu ihrer Verwundbarkeit zu sein schien.

She adored the armadillo as it seemed to be the antithesis of her vulnerability.
Egal welchen Heiligen du verehrst, du solltest seine oder Ihre Qualitäten nachahmen. Whichever Saint you admire, you should try to copy his or her qualities.
Gott verehren/anbeten worship God
bewundern, verehren to admire
anbeten; verehren to worship

I made a mistake regarding the information of the yield, you were right. I do not know whether the software had a license, I will let you know once I speak with my employer (tomorrow). Hasta luego.
We had time to walk around the waterfall but refrained from entering the little lake at the bottom. My fellow tourtakers were quiet nice and we spend a while just sitting in the grass near the water.
To be honest, we did not understand one word of what he was saying, because his English was so terrible. Or maybe it wasn't and it was only his accent which we could not grasp. To us it was Chinese.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verehren
verehre  verehrst  verehrt  verehren  verehrt  verehren  verehrte  verehrtest  verehrte  verehrten  verehrtet  verehrten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of adore   [ adored, adored ]
Conjugation of worship   [ worshipped, worshipped ]