German Dictionary

Vergessen in English

vergessen  to forget     
vergessen to forget    ; to leave    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ich habe die Liste im Einkaufswagen in dem anderen Laden vergessen.

I left the list in the cart at the other store.
Als die Kinder das U-Boot erblickten, vergaßen sie ihre Sandburg. When the children spotted the submarine they forgot about their sandcastle.
Martha war vergesslich geworden und hatte vergessen, das Tischtuch zu wechseln. Martha had become forgetful and had forgotten to change the tablecloth.
beachten; nicht vergessen to keep in mind
bedenken; nicht vergessen to keep in mind
(nicht) zu vergessen (not) forgetting
etwas vergessen to forget something
vergessen forget-forgot-forgotten
vergessen forget forgot forgotten
vergessen forget/forgot/forgotten
vergessen to forget, leave behind
vergessen; verloren nicht finden

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It is an abandoned place in the middle of Spain, in the middle of nowhere. The station is located near a junction where the ways of the trains split. Both are split as well, in their minds.
Our website is free, so we simply do not have the financial means to show the English instructions to a professional translator. We showed the vocabulary lists to our translators and concentrated on the content
Check out these translations sogar    sammeln    mittagessen    irren    gegrillt    empfinden    bringen    ausgezeichnet    Zukunft    Welle   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of vergessen
vergesse  vergisst  vergisst  vergessen  vergesst  vergessen  vergaß  vergaßest  vergaß  vergaßen  vergaßt  vergaßen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of forget   [ forgot, forgotten ]
Conjugation of leave   [ left, left ]