German Dictionary

Translation of verhandeln

verhandeln to negotiate    

Translation by Vocabulix


verhandeln, aushandeln to negotiate
verhandeln to negotiate/ to hear
verhandeln; feilschen bargaining
verhandeln onderverhandelen
verhandeln mit to deal with
verhandeln to bargain

I love it during vacation and being in the mountains. There it is like being in a dreamland. Everything is covered with snow and is bright and white. You get up at eight in the morning for breakfast.
We had time to walk around the waterfall but refrained from entering the little lake at the bottom. My fellow tourtakers were quiet nice and we spend a while just sitting in the grass near the water.
Let me understand further: If you go through the 'vocabulary builder' in the left menu and choose new lesson it works faster than when you get there through the list of all lessons? Did I get this right?
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verhandeln
verhandle  verhandelst  verhandelt  verhandeln  verhandelt  verhandeln  verhandelte  verhandeltest  verhandelte  verhandelten  verhandeltet  verhandelten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of negotiate   [ negotiated, negotiated ]