German Dictionary

Translation of verhindern

verhindern  to hinder     
verhindern to prevent    ; to inhibit    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er behandelte die Oberfläche mit einer besonderen Emulsion, um Korrosion zu verhindern.

He treated the surface with a special emulsion to avoid corrosion.
Der Beschützer versucht alles, um jegliche kriminelle Handlungen wie z.B. eine Entführung zu verhindern. The guardian is trying everything to prevent any violent act like a kidnapping.
Kondome können die Ausbreitung sexueller Krankheiten verhindern. Condoms can prevent the spread of sexually transmitted disease.

Everybody knows about the Indian summer which is famous for it strong and shiny atmosphere in the woods. That is why i wanted to see it too. So, last Saturday morning we left Boston and drove North-West.
We recently started a new free vocabulary and conjugation website, called Vocabulix ( This free website targets people who are interested in learning foreign languages.
I called the Hilton hotel in Cuba and asked them whether it was worth coming or if they suggest to postpone the arrival. Their response was clear: Don't come unless you really have too.
Check out these translations verbaut    unterwegs    ungestört    unbekannt    tätig    temporeich    ständig    starren    sonnen    sich langweilen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verhindern
verhindere  verhinderst  verhindert  verhindern  verhindert  verhindern  verhinderte  verhindertest  verhinderte  verhinderten  verhindertet  verhinderten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of hinder   [ hindered, hindered ]
Conjugation of inhibit   [ inhibited, inhibited ]
Conjugation of prevent   [ prevented, prevented ]