German Dictionary

Translation of verleiten

verleiten to seduce    

Translation by Vocabulix


verraten; verleiten betray
verleiten, verlocken tempt
jemanden verleiten tempt

He wants us to think about his poem to recognize the details because that is the only way of finding out more about the reality of life. With a lot of observation and analysis we see it in a clearer way.
We had time to walk around the waterfall but refrained from entering the little lake at the bottom. My fellow tourtakers were quiet nice and we spend a while just sitting in the grass near the water.
We have cut the description though, since it was too long. However, we would like to change the description again, by adding a geographic spot in it or telling the user that it is E-learning.
Check out these translations verderben    unverwüstlich    unmodern    undankbar    umgekehrt    topologisch    symbolisieren    stempeln    spaßig    sickern   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verleiten
verleite  verleitest  verleitet  verleiten  verleitet  verleiten  verleitete  verleitetest  verleitete  verleiteten  verleitetet  verleiteten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of seduce   [ seduced, seduced ]