German Dictionary

Translation of Vogel

der Vogel  the bird     
der Vogel  the bird     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Niemand hat bisher herausgefunden, wo Vögel lernen, Nester mit einer solchen Präzision zu bauen.

Nobody ever found out where birds learn to build their nest with such incredible precision.
Der Rabe ist ein gruseliger Vogel der in Horrorfilmen benutzt wird. The raven is a scary bird used in horror movies.
Die Eule ist der Vogel des Waldes. The owl is the bird of the forest.
Kiwifrucht; Kiwi (Vogel); Neuseeländer/in kiwi
Kücken; flügger Vogel fledgling
der Vogel, Vögel the bird(s)
der Vogel the bird
ein Vogel a bird

Design is a poem in which Robert Frost tries to confront us with the questions of life and nature. The topic is not only about nature but also about the human being and his capability to recognize.
Last week for example, I could have told you in advance that there is no chance for the other trials (if I knew): The traffic on the major website was too big. We should test it again sometime.
We went to eat dinner at an Indian restaurant an my wife and I were afraid that it would turn our stomace upside down, just a day before we had to take the long train journey back to the capital.
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