German Dictionary

Translation of vom

vom from the; from    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Gipfel war veschneit und sah vom Tal aus schön aus.

The peak was snowy and looked beautiful from the valley.
Die Spuren des Tieres waren vom Wind verwischt worden. The animal's traces had been blurred by the wind.
Hassan erhaschte einen Hauch Knoblauch, der vom italienischen Restaurant nebenan herübergedriftet war. Hassan caught a whiff of garlic that had wafted over from the Italian restaurant next door.
gefährdet(1); vom Aussterben bedroht endangered
abschießen; vom Stapel lassen launch
ihr angebot vom your quotation/offer of
vom Thema ablenken change the subject
örtlich, lokal; am/vom Ort local
vom Krieg erschüttert war-torn
vom Menschen geschaffen man-made
Hackfleisch vom Rind minced beef
vom Internet getrennt off-line

After this strange stop we moved on to the city center where he left me. I was on my own now and started to explore the little streets of the old center. It was packed with international visitors.
I received your previous message. Sorry, I did not make the connection earlier, as I did not remember your company's name and have not met Jack Ulmani. You have probably received my address from Allan.
Usually we were not that picky, but we intended to stay in Buenos Aires for almost 10 days. On the first day we walked around the city center and did some shopping in the Florida passage.
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