German Dictionary

Translation of vorschreiben

vorschreiben to dictate    

Translation by Vocabulix


vorschreiben; diktieren dictating

In the meantime I am listening to some Spanish CDs. They are intended for the car, but no one can tell you when to listen to it, how many times and how often. Please understand that I work a lot.
There were mountains. The heat of the day stand for the atmosphere between the man and the woman. They are waiting for the train from Barcelona to Madrid at a station between the two cities.
We spent the entire day doing nothing, just waiting for the night train which would take us into the northern mountain area of Vietnam, close to the Chinese border. The train left at around ten.
Check out these translations vielleicht    verspätet    verlässlich    verdrießlich    unwesentlich    unpolitisch    unendlich    umkämpft    tragisch    sägen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of vorschreiben
schreibe vor  schreibst vor  schreibt vor  schreiben vor  schreibt vor  schreiben vor  schrieb vor  schriebst vor  schrieb vor  schrieben vor  schriebt vor  schrieben vor     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of dictate   [ dictated, dictated ]