German Dictionary

Translation of Wirkung

die Wirkung the effect    ; the action    

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Sample sentences:
Die unmittelbare Wirkung des Schlangengiftes tötete sie auf der Stelle.

The immediate effect of the venom killed her instantly.
Das Verbrennen von getrocknetem Salbei hat bei vielen Hautkrankheiten eine heilende Wirkung. Burning dried sage has a therapeutic effect on many skin diseases.
Wirkung; Bedeutung; Aufprall impact
Wirkung; Agentur; Instanz agency
Wirkung, Auswirkung effect

Instead of focusing on the meeting between Clinton and Mubarak, the media prefered to talk about the birthday cake that Hillary Clinton received and about the visit of pyramids and other attractions.
She insisted that there should be an actual step, where the man proposes friendship to the woman, at a nice dinner or giving her a gift or flowers or going down on his knees. Cultural differences.
Usually we were not that picky, but we intended to stay in Buenos Aires for almost 10 days. On the first day we walked around the city center and did some shopping in the Florida passage.
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