German Dictionary

Translation of Wuchs

der Wuchs the growth    
der Wuchs the stature    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Seesternpopulation wuchs brisant an.

The starfish population grew at an explosive rate.
Marys Befriedigung wuchs, als sie Paul zusah, wie er ihren Kuchen aß. Mary's satisfaction grew as she watched Paul eat her cake.
Im dritten Quartal wuchs das Vermögen des Unternehmens erheblich an. The company's assets grew significantly in the third quarter.
wuchs grew

There we saw a lot of these beautiful trees which I had heard about when I was back in Germany. We visited the folliage and saw some amazing lakes in the northern part of the state, different from the rest.
Did you hear about the earthquake this morning in Greece. This is really terrible, I think that quite a few viligars lost their lifes and many more lost their homes. I am really sad for all of them.
In order to get to this hidden lake one would have to row beneath a cave. On the other side of the cave the five of us were alone. The lake was surrounded by limestone mountains covered with tropical trees.
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