German Dictionary
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Zahlungsweise | method of payment |
Do you want to proceed with entering more words or do you want to wait for the new design. For me, both options are ok. You could add the language in parenthesis after the sentence. We'll see within one week those we really need.
I have always met nice people so far, and I have never had a strange friends request. So far I only had problems with my grammar in various foreign languages that I am trying to acquire.
If you are spell checking my letters, that would be great. I would then do the same with your letters. Can you please correct this email too? I thank you in advance for helping my Spanish.
I have always met nice people so far, and I have never had a strange friends request. So far I only had problems with my grammar in various foreign languages that I am trying to acquire.
If you are spell checking my letters, that would be great. I would then do the same with your letters. Can you please correct this email too? I thank you in advance for helping my Spanish.
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