German Dictionary

Translation of zuklappen

zuklappen to clap    ; to collapse    

Translation by Vocabulix


I.E. stands for 'in example', and the translation of it is 'por ejemplo'. Is there a difference between this term in Latin American or South American Spanish? How would you say the same sentence in Central America?
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I will go to Barcelona on Sunday and visit a language school for Spanish for 4 weeks. I'm really looking forward to it, I'll write you more next time OK? How can I help you with your German?
Check out these translations zahllos    wiederkommen    wegschmeißen    vorherig    verzichtbar    verschwinden    verkörpern    verbrennen    unvergleichbar    universell   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of clap   [ clapped, clapped ]
Conjugation of collapse   [ collapsed, collapsed ]