German Dictionary

Translation of zukünftig

zukünftig future    
zukünftig prospective    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Antrag wurde angenommen, um ähnlich unfaire Entscheidungen zukünftig zu vermeiden.

The motion was passed in order to avoid similarly unfair decisions in the future.
Er wurde als zukünftiger Mitarbeiter unserer Gruppe vorgestellt. He was introduced as a prospective co-worker of our group.
künftig; zukünftig future
zukünftig prospective; future

What steered the little fly to the plant? Naturally, we do not know the answer. The human being cannot understand nature because he is part of it, he is inside it. Therefore he cannot judge objectively.
I almost forgot to tell you, that the water was brown, despite of its name... Anyway, as I was already close to my next destination I went and consulted with a tourguide of Austrian travelers.
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