German Dictionary

Translation of verkürzen

verkürzen to abbreviate    ; to abridge    ; to contract    ; to curtail    ; to shorten    

Translation by Vocabulix


kürzen; verkürzen to shorten
verkürzen to reduce

After this strange stop we moved on to the city center where he left me. I was on my own now and started to explore the little streets of the old center. It was packed with international visitors.
Mine too... I will be there next week, got tickets for 1/4 and 1/2 finals... Hopp Schwitz!!! Let's go for a drink soon. I want to meet your girlfriend too! I heard that she is wonderful and pretty.
The flight was a little late so we spent our time in the airport playing car race computer game. My wife won three times in a row, she is a better driver than me anyway. We flew to Puerto Madryn.
Check out these translations verbunden    unverletzt    unklug    unbeugsam    umfallen    titanisch    sumpfig    steigern    spannen    sich wehtun   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verkürzen
verkürze  verkürzt  verkürzt  verkürzen  verkürzt  verkürzen  verkürzte  verkürztest  verkürzte  verkürzten  verkürztet  verkürzten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of abbreviate   [ abbreviated, abbreviated ]
Conjugation of abridge   [ abridged, abridged ]
Conjugation of contract   [ contracted, contracted ]
Conjugation of curtail   [ curtailed, curtailed ]