German Dictionary

Translation of zuordnen

zuordnen to assign    ; to allocate    

Translation by Vocabulix


Study material is not easy to find. Unfortunately I have not received any such material yet. To give your students brochures and leaflets is in my opinion not the ideal. It cannot be compared with online studies.
The fact that I have received many emails from students in order to make Vocabulix known is a personal success for me. But I think that a new website with many pages would be better for future uses.
Many thanks for your suggestions. They are very useful. I can't answer your mail now, but I will come back to you later when I'll have more time. I hope that you and your family are well!
Check out these translations zehntausend    willkürlich    weihen    vorläufig    verärgert    versiert    verletzlich    verdienen    unverzollt    unmöglich   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of zuordnen
ordne zu  ordnest zu  ordnet zu  ordnen zu  ordnet zu  ordnen zu  ordnete zu  ordnetest zu  ordnete zu  ordneten zu  ordnetet zu  ordneten zu     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of assign   [ assigned, assigned ]