German Dictionary

Translation of Zuschauer

der Zuschauer  the spectator     
der Zuschauer the spectator    ; the viewer    
der Zuschauer the bystander    

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Sample sentences:
Das Duo eroberte schnell die Herzen der Zuschauer beim Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

The pair quickly conquered the hearts of spectators at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Das Tanztrio erfreute die Zuschauer zwei Stunden lang ohne Unterbrechung. The dance trio delighted the spectators for two hours straight.
Die Künstlerin enthüllte die Statue, und die Zuschauer klatschten. The artist uncovered the statue, and the crowd clapped.
Publikum; Zuhörer; Zuschauer audience
der Zuschauer the bystander; the spectator
Zuschauer/in (vor Ort) spectator

Please send me also some information about the conference that you are organizing. If you want material in electronic format, you can have a look at our website at: . Enjoy it!
So the man and the woman are staing at the station, sitting at their table and tasting unknown alcoholic drinks, wishing they had the same feeling of joy that they had known before this all happened.
The young women rowed towards us and tried to sell food and souvenirs. We were not interested and she tried to block us and prevent us from swimming back to our vessel. So we dove beneath her.
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