German Dictionary

Translation of zusehen

zusehen to watch    

Translation by Vocabulix


I would like to know if Jack is interested to join us as well. Shared learning is called Tandem. I'm coming in 2 days to Spain. I will pay for the study costs of my daughter, and I assume all other costs as well.
The fact that I have received many emails from students in order to make Vocabulix known is a personal success for me. But I think that a new website with many pages would be better for future uses.
Which region in Germany are you from? I live in Aarau in the state of Argau, that is in the middle of Switzerland not far from Zurich, Lake Zurich and near the border city of Basel.
Check out these translations zocken    wundern    wessen    walisisch    vonbis    verwalten    verschanzen    vergrößern    verachtenswert    unterliegen   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of zusehen
sezu  siehst zu  sieht zu  sehen zu  seht zu  sehen zu  sah zu  sahst zu  sah zu  sahen zu  saht zu  sahen zu     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of watch   [ watched, watched ]