German Dictionary

Translation of zuwerfen

zuwerfen to slam    

Translation by Vocabulix


I.E. stands for 'in example', and the translation of it is 'por ejemplo'. Is there a difference between this term in Latin American or South American Spanish? How would you say the same sentence in Central America?
Therefore we use only the Vocabulix dictionary in our class. It has good features and a large vocabulary base. I will have to send you a few sentences for rewriting if that is OK with you, because the whole is mixed up.
I now live in Spain. I have moved too 2 years ago. I have finished my studies and in February I'm going to high school. I have not spoken German for a long time, actually since I was a kid.
Check out these translations zuckerhaltig    wörtlich    widerspruchsfrei    waschbar    vorbei    verwickelt    verschleudern    verhindern    verbaut    unterwegs   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of slam   [ slammed, slammed ]