German Dictionary

Translation of zwei

zwei  two     
zwei twain    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Kleins brauchten zwei Stunden täglich, um ihr Schwimmbecken zu reinigen.

The Kleins spent two hours a day cleaning their pool.
Nachdem ich einen Burger und zwei Schokoriegel gegessen hatte, fühlte ich mich miserabel. After I ate a burger and two chocolate bars I felt miserable.
Das Semester war fast vorbei, aber sie hatte noch zwei Prüfungen vor sich. The semester was almost over but she still had two exams to go.
alle zwei Tage every other day
vor zwei Stunden two hours ago
Zwei Hamburger two hamburgers
vor zwei Jahren two years ago
in zwei Wochen in a fortnight
zwei Geschichten two stories
zwei Goldfische two goldfish
vor zwei Tagen two days ago
zwei Städte two cities

The earlier you go to the top of the mountains the fewer people are on the slopes. I love the sound of the ski-lifts and seeing the villages disappear in the distance while I move up to the mountains.
I will forward the words to you tomorrow or Sunday, once they give their OK. Which hotel did you book? Did you speak to the Chef de cuisine and can I make the reservation at the restaurant?
We left at Kowloon, where we were looking for our place at night. It was difficult to find the address of the accommodation so we took a cab. We finally got to the YMCA, which cost around 200 dollars.
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