German Dictionary

Translation of zweite

der zweite  the second     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die zweite Gruppe verteilte Schießpulver an die Guerillas.

The second group distributed gunpowder to the guerrillas.
Die Durchführung des zweiten Plans ist freiwillig. The execution of the second plan is optional.
Er sagte, der zweite Vers der Ballade hätte zu viele Silben. He said the second verse of the ballad had too many syllables.
die zweite Geige spielen play second fiddle
(der) zweite second
zweite( r,s) second
das Zweite second
zweite second

We do not see the spider eating the moth, we only see a yellow spider sitting on a red flower holding a brown moth. But we know what will occur: There will be a cruel and nasty act of the nature.
Let me summarize our meeting from Sunday, please give me feedback if something is unclear. I will send you the study material, including lessons and vocabulary lists to ensure the accuracy of training.
We went to visit the different markets starting with the bracelet market in Kowloon. Lili bought a few stones there. In the afternoon we visited the financial district which could only be reached by boat.
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